Category: International News /
Written by: John Dion
La asociación de DJs y empresas de entretenimiento LMP, lamenta el fallecimiento de uno de sus miembros líderes Jean Paul Guerrero, mejor conocido como "DJ Jinx Paul" quien fue víctima de un accidente de tránsito en la ciudad de New York. "Que descanse en paz nuestro líder, quien fue nuestra familia, nuestro amigo, la persona más humilde y bella que jamás conoceremos en este mundo. Jinx Paul era una persona que daba su chaqueta, su abrigo a cualquiera. Un gran padre para su hijo, él también era un gran hijo, que apoyaba a sus padres en el Ecuador construyéndoles un...
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Written by: John Dion
TODAY, TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 AT 7:00PM (EST) AT 43 JAMAICA AVE IN BROOKLYN, NYC Mega 97.9FM alongside SBS New York will be holding a candlelight vigil in memory of Mega 97.9FM's own Jean "DJ Jinx Paul" Guerrero. SBS would like to extend an invitation to the entire New York community to attend this tribute to our beloved family member and colleague on Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 pm (EST) at 43 Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Please be informed that participants must bring a candle of their own for the ceremony. We remind Citizens of the Big Apple that...
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Written by: John Dion
TODAY, TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 AT 7:00PM (EST) AT 43 JAMAICA AVE IN BROOKLYN, NYC Mega 97.9FM alongside SBS New York will be holding a candlelight vigil in memory of Mega 97.9FM's own Jean "DJ Jinx Paul" Guerrero. SBS would like to extend an invitation to the entire New York community to attend this tribute to our beloved family member and colleague on Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 pm (EST) at 43 Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Please be informed that participants must bring a candle of their own for the ceremony. We remind Citizens of the Big Apple that...
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Written by: John Dion
TODAY, TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 AT 7:00PM (EST) AT 43 JAMAICA AVE IN BROOKLYN, NYC Mega 97.9FM alongside SBS New York will be holding a candlelight vigil in memory of Mega 97.9FM's own Jean "DJ Jinx Paul" Guerrero. SBS would like to extend an invitation to the entire New York community to attend this tribute to our beloved family member and colleague on Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 pm (EST) at 43 Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Please be informed that participants must bring a candle of their own for the ceremony. We remind Citizens of the Big Apple that...
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Written by: John Dion
TODAY, TUESDAY DECEMBER 20 AT 7:00PM (EST) AT 43 JAMAICA AVE IN BROOKLYN, NYC Mega 97.9FM alongside SBS New York will be holding a candlelight vigil in memory of Mega 97.9FM's own Jean "DJ Jinx Paul" Guerrero. SBS would like to extend an invitation to the entire New York community to attend this tribute to our beloved family member and colleague on Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 pm (EST) at 43 Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. Please be informed that participants must bring a candle of their own for the ceremony. We remind Citizens of the Big Apple that...
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Written by: John Dion
The executive team of Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. (SBS) and Mega 97.9FM, express with great dismay the sudden death of radio personality Jean Paul Guerrero, DJ Jinx Paul, who was a valuable part of the # 1 station in the Big Apple from 7pm to 12 a.m. DJ Jinx Paul was a valued radio personality of Mega 97.9 FM, who had a vast experience in New York radio. "It is a moment of great pain and sadness for Mega 97.9 FM and the radio fans due to the sudden and unexpected death of our companion and friend, DJ Jinx Paul,...
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Written by: John Dion
LA QUINCEAÑERA DE TUS SUEÑOS! CELEBRATES THE 15TH BIRTHDAY OF YOUNG MEXICAN-AMERICAN, SHILEY CASTELLANOS La Raza 97.9FM in Los Angeles, California property of Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc. (SBS) (NASDAQ: SBSA) presents "the Quinceañera of your dreams", a popular tradition in the Latino community. 97.9FM La Raza is offering this celebration for girls who are approaching 15 years of age by taking care of every last detail and making it personalized event based on the ideas of the Quinceañera and her family. The station will provide the banquet hall, the DJ from 97.9FM La Raza, limousine service, food, cake and formal...
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Written by: John Dion
Category: International News /
Written by: John Dion
LA LISTA DE "LATIN POWER PLAYERS 2016" DE BILLBOARD INCLUYE AL CEO, CHAIRMAN Y PRESIDENTE DE SBS RAÚL ALARCÓN, AL VICEPRESIDENTE EJECUTIVO DE PROGRAMACIÓN JESÚS SALAS Y EL VICEPRESIDENTE SÉNIOR DE SBS ENTERTAINMENT, LUCAS PIÑA Por otro año consecutivo, los líderes de la industria de la música latina están siendo honrados en la prestigiosa lista de "Latin Power Players 2016" de Billboard que reconoce esta parte vital e importante de la industria de la música. Tres de nuestros principales ejecutivos de SBS fueron reconocidos por Billboard en la lista anual, nuestro Chairman, Presidente, CEO, Sr. Raúl Alarcón, nuestro Vicepresidente Ejecutivo...
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Written by: John Dion
Panama´s favorite Kafu Banton meets Gonzalo while walking in a mall. The singer / composer was very happy about meeting the anchorman from the first reggae music show in Panama “Radioactividad”, used to be on air on canal 4 every day. They took a picture together and the reggae singer published on Instagram this week. Many fanatics and Instagram followers commented the post and they were excited about seeing this two characters in a friendly hug. Congrats for both of them.
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