Category: PTY 507 News /
Written by: John Dion
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Written by: Derek Robinson
Tres artistas unieron sus voces en un solo tema, afirmando que cierran el año con el pie derecho para que el 2017 venga cargado de éxito en sus carreras musicales, ellos son: Yemil, Sech y Dubosky ambos máximos exponentes del patio con un flow callejero gustado por su oyentes. Hoy decidieron regalarle a su fanaticada buena plena para sus oídos, a la que titularón "Un Shatta No Llora" haciendo enfásis de que si se termina una relación al final llega otra (o) que ocupará su lugar. Una producción bajo "Rafita" del "Combo de Oro" quien fusionó las cualidades y versatilidad...
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Written by: John Dion
Category: PTY 507 News /
Written by: John Dion
Panama´s favorite Kafu Banton meets Gonzalo while walking in a mall. The singer / composer was very happy about meeting the anchorman from the first reggae music show in Panama “Radioactividad”, used to be on air on canal 4 every day. They took a picture together and the reggae singer published on Instagram this week. Many fanatics and Instagram followers commented the post and they were excited about seeing this two characters in a friendly hug. Congrats for both of them.
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Written by: John Dion
Category: PTY 507 News /
Written by: John Dion
Category: PTY 507 News /
Written by: John Dion
Category: PTY 507 News /
Written by: John Dion
PRESS CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD AT HIALEAH PARK CASINO THURSDAY AUGUST 13 AT 2:00PM (EST) Hialeah Park Casino, home to "the world's most beautiful race course," marks the second year anniversary of its Casino opening with a two-day celebration. The event will take place on Friday, August 14, and Saturday, August 15, with a series of concerts. The anniversary comes only months after the announcement that Hialeah Park Casino will undergo a multi-million dollar expansion. IMPORTANT: Press conference will be held at Hialeah Park Casino WHEN: Thursday, August 13th, from 2PM -4PM. Interviews and photo opportunities will be available as...
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